Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Searching for the True Meaning of Christmas

Thanks Mr. Jone Cagi for this beautiful title you gave me for this blog entry. May you also find the true meaning of Christmas as you suggested in the title.

Well, below is a copy of a comment I made in response to a friend's blog entry. Here's the link should you want to read her write-up.

Hi friendship!

I have been away. I know. I am in some stage in my life where I am dealing with my strongest weak point. I am luring myself into it while taking note on what is happening to me. Fret not. I am wide awake. I just have to see for myself as to how devastating it can be to immerse myself into it and actually do it. I'm stubborn right now. I want to dip my finger into that boiling water to actually get a good feel of I may not do it again.

Right now, I feel so far away from Him, detached, cannot be reached, lonely, empty. It's as if I were in a cave, down below, looking at this light from above, longing to get out in due time.

I hope I made the right the decision -- immersing myself. I hope I'm right when I said "I will be stronger."

I know that I will answer to Him when I come back. It will be hard of course, but I will take responsibility.

Please pray for me.

This is how I'm preparing myself for Christmas. Like you, I also want to experience the true spirit of the CHRISTmas season. And like what you stated above, may Jesus lead us all to that spirit.

Advance merry Christmas friendship!


  1. Hello friendship...truly i miss you...i was searching for your words in here...your encouragement and care...:-) m glad you are back...i was talking to someone this morning parallel to your situation...i told him "lundagin mo lang"...feel it ...just feel it and engage where you are...I am going to say the same to you... where you are is your time to know yourself more even when you feel like He is far or unreachable:-) i like so much your honesty with yourself...that is where you would be able to find yourself and Him more...just sail ...and keep on sailing...God is present even when you don't feel Him...:-)

    Praying for you right now:-) Amen:-) God bless mwah:-) Advance Merry Christmas too..God sees you where you are:-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm back. I've realized a couple of things -- God showed them to me by the way. It's really amazing how He works in our lives. Nothing beats God's presence.

  4. Lean on God's strength Jake. We are all weak. But God is strong on our behalf. When you are weak then He is strong. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. God bless you Jake!
